We all know the wet, unusable corner of the garden that we never like to visit.
It was a waste of space. But Chris transformed it into a home office, achieving his dream of working from home without getting in the way of his partner.

“The journey to buy a Melwood was actually very good…The process could not have been easier.”

Work-life separation
Chris’ partner, is a school teacher, so she spends many hours at home during his usual 9-5 work schedule. Although they love each other’s company, when it comes to work, separate dedicated spaces for Zoom meetings and school tutoring is a must.
After a bit of research, Chris discovered the Melwood range of garden rooms. It was the quick and easy way to turn that dead space in the back garden into a thriving home office.
“I can now separate work from home life. When I shut down the computer at 5 o’clock and walk up to the house, I feel relaxed and ready for the next part of the day,” Chris tells us.
Daytime structure
The space is filled with natural light. And to maximise this, Chris has set up his desk in front of the two large windows which overlook the sprawling garden. The other end is set up for his partner, Stella, to conduct her after-hours tutoring.
The addition of a double sofa bed and TV provides the perfect divider between the two working areas. And doubles as overflow accommodation when guests come to stay.
“It has brought structure to my days. During school holidays I am now completely out of the way,” he explains.
Chris has installed a light in the window that automatically shows when his computer is in a meeting, so everyone knows when they can disturb him.

Dead space to home office
Reminiscing, Chris looks back on his journey with Greenspan. He searched many places to try and find a good, solid solution for his home office. Ultimately, he kept coming back to his Design Solutioneer at Greenspan.
“There was never any pressure, just helpful advice. I kept ending up back with him and realised that the big selection and good prices meant that I should probably use Greenspan.”
What was a wasted space in the garden, overrun with weeds, is now a lovely home office.
It has certainly increased the value of the property!
Chris chose the Melwood Mod 15, measuring 5.4m x 2.6m with large windows to the front and side, maximising his view of the garden. He personalised his design with sustainable hardwood cladding and colonial style 10 lite timber doors, creating a Hamptons-inspired design aesthetic.
All measurements are approximate.
Ready to transform your dead space in the garden?
Download our Design Price Guide to find out how you can create your own home office.

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