
A small home solution to supersize space 

In the heart of Sydney’s Inner West, where space inside and out is at a premium, Christine got creative. The result is a clever small home solution. One that has considerably expanded her usable living space and added significant property value as a result. “The design process was easy and the team was just so […]

A garden studio wellness retreat

Dianne needed more space, fast!   After sifting through countless granny flat and cabin offerings on the market, and even considering extending her house, everything was proving too hard, too costly, and too long. Then she discovered the Melwood range from Greenspan. “It’s a beautiful space for me to de-stress and decompress.”  An urgent need for […]

The missing puzzle piece

For Nick and Charmayne, a Melwood didn’t just create extra space; it reshaped their entire home-buying journey. And it allowed them to secure a dream home they would otherwise have to forget.

The shed upgrade game-changer

What if you could transform a dull old space into stylish storage, an inspiring home office, or a vibrant hangout space for the kids and their friends. What if you could add visual appeal to the backyard and increase property value?
Better still, what if you could achieve all of the above?

After years of longing…the dream pool room

After years of longing, the Tuckers’ dream of adding a Melwood came to life effortlessly when the opportunity finally arrived. The wait was over, and they could finally dive into their pool room! Several years on, the family’s Melwood Mod is a hub of activity.

Changing lives in changing times 

Jamie’s initial purchase of two Melwoods, one for storage and the other for her Macramé workshop, has evolved. Also a WFH space and a sanctuary during COVID, transitioning into a gaming area and an occasional bedroom in 2023, and is now set to become her home office for a new job.

The gift of space

A custom-made garden room – the ultimate gift from husband, Les – provided a much-needed sanctuary for Teena to do what she loves best.

Turning dead space into a home office

Chris’ partner, is a school teacher, so she spends many hours at home during his usual 9-5 work schedule. Although they love each others company, when it comes to work, separate dedicated spaces for zoom meetings and school tutoring is a must.

After a bit of research, Chris found Melwood – The quick and easy way to turn that dead space in the back garden into a thriving home office, filled with natural light and views of their sprawling garden.

Julie’s Melwood, a lovely tribute to her Dad

When Julie’s father, Jim, passed away in 2018, she wanted to create a place where she could feel close to him. Melwood was a natural choice for Julie, as there was an existing Melwood on her property that had been installed in the 90s, it was just a little too small.

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  • Granny Flats
  • Backyard Studios
  • Backyard Offices
  • Backyard Pods
  • Art Studios
  • Timber Barns
  • Barn Homes
  • Accommodation Sheds
  • Off Grid Cabins
  • Pool House Designs