
HSC Study Tips to help your teen succeed

The countdown is on, and this year’s HSC exams are nearly here!

We’ve gathered together some top-of-the-class tips from former students to get your child a step ahead!

Parents of teens in their final year, as well as those of us who have done the HSC, will remember what a stressful, taxing time it is.

During this time it’s so important to support your child in every way possible. 

Whether its HSC (final school exams in NSW), or any exams, these tips will be sure to help!


The syllabus is your friend

Each subject has a detailed syllabus which is the best guide for both study and exams.

Use it to make detailed notes on every dot point in the content section. Textbooks do not always present the information in the same way as the syllabus.

Use textbooks and other references to prepare your detailed notes


Your Study Space

Studying late into the night may suit some students but most do best when there is good natural light and you’re alert.

Make yourself a hard copy study timetable and include your commitments to sport, fitness, friends and part-time work.

Display the timetable prominently in your study space for family to see. That way they know when they are expected to be quiet and when you need their support.


A relaxing backyard room is a great place to escape interruptions.
A relaxing backyard room is a great place to escape interruptions.


Have a study buddy
Plan study sessions of about one hour either in school study times or after school.

Ask one another difficult questions and review multiple choice questions.

The first level of learning is reading, the second is writing and the third is speaking.

Speaking and explaining your notes to a study buddy will make concepts and information easy to recall. 


Students studying creative or hands-on subjects will appreciate their own space to create, study and work on their major projects.
Students studying creative or hands-on subjects will appreciate their own space to create, study and work on their major projects.


Practice exam techniques
Doing past papers in set time limits is an ideal way to prepare for exams.

Do them regularly and then reward yourself with a healthy treat.

Check answers and sample answers at the Board of Studies’ site.

Some exams are three hours’ long so you need stamina.


A clean, streamlined area free of visual 'noise' and disctractions will assist in productive study
A clean, streamlined area free of visual ‘noise’ and disctractions will assist in productive study

It’s tough
Allow yourself to say study is tough, sometimes tedious and repetitive.

Give yourself a day off every so often so you are revitalised.


Your health
Keep up your sports, go for walks with earphones on, listen to study notes you may have recorded or music you enjoy, make sure your adults keep you well supplied with healthy food.

Drink lots of water.


Ask for help
Parents, teachers and friends want you to do your best, and want you to be happy and healthy while you are doing the HSC.

Exams are challenging and while a little stress can be a good thing, if you are feeling overwhelmed, talk to someone.


A backyard room can be used for the whole family, and for entertaining. Students can schedule their study time so the family knows not to interrupt them.
A backyard room can be used for the whole family, and for entertaining. Students can schedule their study time so the family knows not to interrupt them.



Information sourced from real students (past and present) at BoredofStudies.org. This is a fantastic resource for parents and students in NSW. 

source: https://community.boredofstudies.org/1137/general-discussion-2016-hsc/355058/tips-advice-tricks-you-wished-you-knew-where-told-start-year-12-a.html



Investing in a backyard study is investing in your child’s education – now and in the future.

Whether it’s forward planning, for a young child, a cubby house playroom that will turn into a study space when they need it, or a study room for your growing teen who will soon be needing somewhere to study for uni, giving them their own secure space, nearby, is the best thing you can do for them. 

You can get your own customised, backyard cubby house in just a few easy steps – click here to download pricing and get your project started.
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