
5 Multi-purpose Studios that Changed Lives

Multi-purpose studios change lives. 


👉They transform dead space into valuable space,

👉They free up space inside your home, and

👉They make property value go up like a helium balloon. (Woohoo!)


You’re probably thinking Yes Please

Especially if you live in Sydney.


In the name of Inspiration, here are 5 multipurpose studios that changed lives.

Get your pinboards ready!


1. A studio for pottery (and enjoying a drink with friends)

If you thought pottery studios were just for hard work and dirty hands (like we did), Jenny is here to prove otherwise.

After a long day of working in her studio, perfecting her art or even teaching others, she likes to kick back on the porch with her friends and enjoy a drink or two.

The studio has also enabled her to leave her yawn-worthy corporate job and pursue her passion full-time.

Now that’s life changing!


After a long day of working in her studio, perfecting her art or even teaching others, Jenny likes to kick back on the porch with her friends and enjoy a drink or two.
After a long day of working in her studio, perfecting her art or even teaching others, Jenny likes to kick back on the porch with her friends and enjoy a drink or two.



2. A modern his/hers studio (with a wall separating him & her)

Second in the line-up of multi-purpose studios is the Ultimate Couples Studio.

Because some days you just need YOUR own space.


Relationship-saving aside, a his/hers studio is a great idea for any two people who need to use the same space.

Or any two purposes that need to use the same space.


The same concept applies to Shed/Studio combination.

Half of the studio is unlined and shed-like, home to the mower & pool toys.

The other half is lined and cozy, home to a lounge, tv and three bean bags.



a his/hers studio is a great idea for any two people who need to use the same space.
A his/hers studio is a great idea for any two people who need to use the same space.



3. A stylish office (that replaced ugly rock)

Imagine this: you go to sell your home.

You’re taking an agent through the house for a valuation, and they’re commenting what a lovely home and location you have.

You step outside the back door, and both stop in your tracks. 


The agent looks at one particular area of your backyard, looks at you, looks at the ground and clears their throat.

You shuffle nervously, and remind yourself of the nice things they said about the rest of the property.

The elephant in the backyard is this. 


'Dead Space' in the backyard brings down your overall property value
‘Dead Space’ in the backyard brings down your overall property value

Large area of DS. (Dead Space).

That’s how it would have gone down before  this backyard was transformed. 

Now imagine what the agent would say if they stepped out the back door and saw this:


Danielle’s Backyard Transformation


We’ll save their pleasant gushing and Oooh’s and Aaaah’s  for when you sell your future property. 

And move on to…


4. A spa-side retreat where kids can watch their noisy movies

During school hours, this would be the perfect spot for a busy mum to sit back and relax. 

Spa on, bubbles galore, and a magazine at the ready.

Come 3pm, when the kids come home, you’ve showered and changed and pretend you’ve been doing housework all day.

The kids are none the wiser. 

But they’re noisy.

So noisy! 

You sigh, get them some food and remember the peace of the 9-3 zone.

Here’s where the multipurpose studio saves your day (again).

Homework? Movies? Clapping games?  

That can all happen in The Studio.

There’s a lounge, there’s a TV, BYO popcorn.

Sayonara, kids.


A spa retreat - in the comfort of your own bacykard!
A spa retreat – in the comfort of your own bacykard!


And lastly,a summer-ready studio (that’s also handy in winter).


5. A little white Pool Cabana that doubles as an Art Studio

The ultimate answer to “Pool Cabanas are only used in Summer” is seen right here in this photo. 

This multipurpose studio can be used year-round, by all members of the family!


The large deck and outdoor dinning furniture creates space for sharing a meal with family & friends.


The easel, desk and chair inside creates a study nook/art studio.


And the lounge is perfect for curling up with a good book.


In the backyard, away from distractions/family/siblings/responsiblities/society.

Will you ever want to leave?

This multipurpose studio can be used year-round, by all members of the family!
This multipurpose studio can be used year-round, by all members of the family!


A chic outdoor entertaining area for Claudia's family to enjoy
A chic outdoor entertaining area for Claudia’s family to enjoy



Adding a multi-purpose studio to your property is a fast and easy way to upgrade your backyard.

Get the Space You Need - pricelist download


 Click here to download the Melwood Garden Room price list and get your project started!

All it takes is 5 easy steps,  and we’ll walk you through the process.

5 easy steps





5 MultiPurpose Studios that Changed Lives
5 MultiPurpose Studios that Changed Lives

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  • Backyard Studios
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